emarang 3rd August 2024, AKK Forum Candidates 2025 held a Health Policy Dialogue with the theme “KRIS in a New Perspective: KRIS Policy as Hope or Challenge”. This webinar was attended by 304 participants consisting of students and the general public throughout Indonesia.
The event was opened by Dr. Budiyono, S.KM., M.Kes as the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Septo Pawelas Arso, S.KM., MARS as the Head of the AKK FKM Undip Unit, and Paulina Anggita Sihaloho as the project officer of the Health Policy Dialogue 2024.
The Health Policy Dialogue 2024 invited two competent speakers in the field of KRIS, namely Dr. Maria Hotnida, MARS, CHIA as the head of the JKN program policy work team at the FKRTL Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and Dr. Yuli Riviyanti, MARS as the manager of the An-Nisa Tangerang Hospital Emergency Department.
The KRIS policy study contains a brief description of the changes from Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2014 to Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2024, a description of the realization of KRIS implementation and the impact of KRIS implementation for all levels, presented by Paulina Anggita Sihaloho, as the HPD 2024 project officer.
The implementation of KRIS in every health service facility is a breakthrough for the government and hospitals to be able to provide optimal services to the community. Quoting a speech from Dr. Maria, “KRIS does not exist to downgrade the services provided. On the contrary, the existence of KRIS can realize services that prioritize justice and are standardized for every health facility or hospital that implements it”. Currently, every hospital, both private and government-owned, that collaborates with BPJS has begun to adjust the inpatient class according to KRIS until June 30, 2025 and KRIS will be implemented in its entirety on July 1, 2025. (Humas Forum AKK)