One of the tridharma of higher education is community service. Lecturers in the Health Administration and Policy Section also have a responsibility to perform community service. In July 2023, the AKK Department collaborates with the Tlogosari Kulon PHC in Semarang City to carry out community service with the title “Strengthening the Role of Stakeholders in Accelerating the Reduction of Stunting in the Work Area of the Tlogosari Kulon Public Health Center”.
In this community service activity, the team invited representatives from the Sub-District Health Forum in the working area of the Tlogosari Kulon PHC. Participants presented FKK from 4 sub-districts in the Tlogosari Kulon PHC area, namely Tlogosari Kulon, Gemah, Muktiharjo Kidul and Kalicari sub-districts. Each of these sub-districts has cases of stunting children, while the highest cases of stunting are in the Muktiharjo Kidul Sub-District.
The activity began with an opening from a representative from the Tlogosari Kulon PHC who said that the issue of stunting was still a problem in his working area, and it was hoped that there would be collaboration between cross-sectoral stakeholders to jointly solve this problem. The activity continued with the presentation by the AKK Department, namely Wulan Kusumastuti, SH., MH and continued with a discussion session.
In the discussion session, the participants said that many people still refuse if they are declared stunted. So that this was became an issue for cadres and PHC to follow up and monitoring the stunting children. In addition, FKK has also involved PAUD in the region for educational efforts and screening for stunting toddlers. It is hoped that not only the PHC and Health Cadres will try to deal with stunting cases, but also other stakeholders in the working area of the Tlogosari Kulon PHC to help accelerate the reduction of stunting cases.